My Rituals: Krystie Steve
We sat down with the extremely talented and all-around epic human being, Krystie Steve (@krystiesteve) to discuss all things music, life, rituals, and of course her badass hairstyle.
Photography and hair/makeup by @facesbyglow
Video by Emma Elias @emmatherese__ web: Emma Therese
Check out what Krystie had to say below...
So, Krystie, tell us how the magic begins, what’s the first thing you do when you wake up the morning of a gig?
Well, my morning usually starts with a “crap… I’ve forgotten to send the set list”. I’m notorious for forgetting that everyone else in the band kinda needs to know the setlist order and can’t read my mind! Then, it’s all systems go! On gig day eve, I try to get a good sleep, as it requires a lot of energy, including working through all the nerves and adrenalin. I’ll have a hearty breakfast and make a few calls, make sure everyone is all G and start getting ready. Then my mental prep begins.
What’s your favourite music to listen to during these rituals?
Without a doubt, before every gig, I usually put on a calm Spotify playlist to start the day and help with the nerves. ‘Sunday Morning’ by Filtr Nederland is one of my faves atm. Next; I’ll work my way through some R&B hits! Nothing gets you pumping like some old school bangers –amirite?!
Once you’re pumped and the adrenalin is flowing, how do you get in the zone before you go on stage?
Right before I’m about to kick off a gig, I’ll go silly, basically, it gets really weird and loose backstage. My inner child comes out, the jokes start flowing, the laughter gets rolling and the warm-up really begins. Considering I am a performer… it’s quite odd, but I like to warm up in private, away from everyone backstage. I’ll get my stretching on, get my body warm and release those endorphins.
What rituals do you follow to keep your short sexy slick locks in place on stage?
I take pride in my hair – so I like to look after it and treat it well. Depending on my mood, my hairstyle will change for gigs! Most of the time, I love a good wet-look on stage. I almost never go without T&D’s Ponsonby Pomade, for the wet, sleek style, I’ll grab a decent scoop on two fingers and work it through, getting the perfect style and then slathering on a bunch of sticky hairspray. I use the pomade first because it helps protect my hair and calm my scalp from the chemicals in hairspray and it just leaves it feeling clean and healthy considering everything that goes on it.
Important question… how do you celebrate after an epic gig?
I thought you’d never ask haha! After a gig, or sometimes before (shhh, don’t tell my manager), I’ll celebrate with a cheeky champers or two before the party really begins.
So what’s your after-after-party ritual? How do you wipe away the blood, sweat, tears?
The team and I usually grab a bite to eat and chat away for most of the night before heading to some local bar where the post-gig celebrations really begin. I am a firm believer in doing each show better than the last, so it’s important that I get feedback from the team and go through changes with them.
Do you have a next-day ritual after a show where you reminisce on what you’ve achieved?
I most certainly do…my next day post-gig ritual usually consists of (and most definitely in this order):

What travel essentials go anywhere and everywhere with you when you’re touring?
When I’m on the road (or in the air), bringing my hair products along with me is a MUST! I have wild, thick and curly hair and if it ain’t put in its place, then we’re on the road to disaster… excuse the pun ;) When I’m not going for the wet, sleek look, I’ll bring T&D’s Coltrane Clay with me – it helps tame my curls into a nice wave that is super matte and firm.
Close seconds would be H2O coffee flavoured coconut water, my gym gear and leopard print runners! BOOM!
Do you have an idol that you idolise mainly for their rituals and outlook on life?
I have so many idols that I draw from and inspire me. The first that comes to mind is my dear friend and Bondi local, Libby Babet! She motivates me to keep fit and healthy and is someone we can all follow and benefit from. Libby preaches to “find your tribe” and is such a go-getter. Words and actions I live by! I friggin’ love her!
Speaking of inspiring and motivating... we love musicians, like yourself, who aren’t afraid to disrupt the norm. Tell us how you like making some noise and pushing boundaries?
I love disrupting the norm, being different and pushing boundaries, and lots of them. I live by this mantra!! It’s EVERYTHING!!
Who wants to be ‘normal’ anyway?! There are so many exciting things about people who dare to be different and I feel like the more you just be yourself, the more interesting you are as a person!
Take the risks, fly high and just don’t give a **about what anyone thinks, do you! Be proud and embrace it!
Someone once said to me in disgust... “Ladies don’t drink beer, Krystie” to which I replied,“Ladies do whatever the hell they want!”.
To end our chat, as you know we’re all about anti-anti-ageing, and embracing the natural lifecycle; seeing wrinkles as a life well lived. What are your thoughts on this?
I think this is why I love T&D so much… I completely agree. I say don’t fix it if it ain’t broke!!!